
Welcome to Sky's Beach, a place to find my students' art work along with my own!

Monday, February 22, 2010

6th Grade Clay Shoes

These shoes were made by students in Mrs. Barca's 6th grade class!

6th Grade Clay Shoe

This video is a demonstration for a clay shoe project I have my 6th grade students create. I will post some pictures of their finished work later this week!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Alien bust

I made this in college with clay and colored it with shoe polish. I used an armature of wood and newspaper before wrapping clay slabs around it. Then I purposely left the head open so I could add hair with the leaves of a plant. This is one of my favorites and a lesson I taught in high school with the older kids.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

4th grade wire people

This piece is from a project where the students learn of proportion in the human form. Then they apply what they learn from drawing the body to creating a wire sculpture of it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February Forbes Show-Armstrong Elementary

This month the artwork hung on the 3rd floor of the Forbes building belongs to Armstrong's young artists. This is just one of many on display now!