
Welcome to Sky's Beach, a place to find my students' art work along with my own!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Art Show at the Forbes

The Spring Art Show has been hung! The opening nights for Mill Pond is April 6th, Armstrong Elementary is April 13th, 6-8 pm. Come join us for an evening of art, music, and family fun!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Westborough's Annual Spring Art Show

Come see Westborough's finest artwork from Kindergarten through 12th grade during the month of April! Mill Pond's Fine Arts night is April 6th, 6-8pm,
Armstrong Elementary's Fine Arts night is April 13th, 6-8pm.
The Forbes building is housing this event and is open during business hours, so stop by when you get a chance!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kandinsky at WAM

This painting was made by a first grader from Armstrong Elementary. It is currently hanging at the Worcester Art Museum for the month of March as a part of the Youth Art Month display. The artist, Kandinsky, was the influence for this piece. The students studied his work and how to mix warm colors, then cool colors.

Friday, March 12, 2010

2nd Grade Field Trip to WAM

On March 10, 2010 a second grade class from Armstrong Elementary took a field trip to the Worcester Art Museum. During the trip the kids had the opportunity to tour the museum, participate in a hands-on clay workshop, and view the Youth Art Month entries from Massachusetts.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Youth Art Month at WAM

This clay pomegranate and 4 other pieces are on display at the Worcester Art Museum during the month of March, 2010. Youth Art Month is an annual art show that happens throughout the United States.

This year I picked 3 pieces from Armstrong Elementary and 2 pieces from Mill Pond School. The opening celebration is Sunday, March 14th 1-4pm. These pieces along with many more will be at WAM. All grades from Kindergarten through 12th grade will be on display!